Letters to the editor

Lettres au rédacteur

Trinidad seeks sport info

To the editor:

I have seen a copy of your publication, Champion, and I have found it to be interesting and informative. One of our Pan American Games delegates brought a copy back with him. I was particularly interested in the article “White Paper suggests new era” (June) and have requested a copy of the White Paper from the Canadian Embassy.

In Trinidad we are now considering proposals for updating physical education and sports. We have recommended the establishment of an institute for physical education and sport and inclusion of sport medicine courses at the new medical school being planned for Trinidad. Any information that you or your readers can supply would be appreciated.

I am interested in the type and cost of equipment, which we hope would be installed at a sport medicine unit at the new teaching hospital or the Institute of Physical Education and Sport. I am also seeking information of a scientific nature.

I have also been in touch with a number of firms in Trinidad that are willing to purchase films for use in Trinidad and Tobago. I would be thankful to receive catalogues of films useful in the coaching of athletics, basketball, volleyball, swimming, lawn tennis, and gymnastics, as well as classroom work in physical education.

With thanks for any assistance you or your readers can give.

Frank V. Stephen, President

Trinidad and Tobago Association for Physical Education, Health and Recreation

Sellier Street, Curepe, Trinidad, West Indies