Letters to the editor

BRONZE MEDALLISTS at 1977 World Rowing Championships: L. to R. (De g. à dr.): Illoana Smith, Carol Eastmure, Ina Delure, Nancy Higgins, Dolores Young, Tricia Smith, Kelly Jacklin, Chris Neuland, Joy Fera
Médailles de bronze aux Championnats du Monde d’Aviron, 1977. Joy Fera’s Photo

To the editor:

I would like to congratulate you on the December 1977 issue of Champion. As a card athlete in rowing, I was pleased to read about athletes in other sports. I am sure this publication will expand with each edition.

Perhaps the Up and Coming Column, could include 1978 dates and locations of all World Championships for the various sports.

I hope the “Looking Back” article will appear in each issue to honour amateur athletes of the past.

Joy Fera,
Rowing — A Card.

Lettres au rédacteur

Madame la rédactrice:

Nous venons de recevoir votre publication Champion et cette revue nous intéresse beaucoup. Nous avons tellement peu de revues en matières de sports, que celle-ci demeure la bienvenue dans le domaine.

Votre revue servira à renseigner tous nos étudiants.

Monique D. Black,


To the editor:

I have recently received Champion and enjoyed it very much. I think it is an excellent idea and a good vehicle for communication with the athlete and the various sports governing bodies, about what is on Sports Canada’s mind. I particularly enjoyed the interview with Roger Jackson.

I am an active competitor myself, and just missed the card athlete list last year, after being on the list for two years. I find it very interesting and helpful to know what is going on with other athletes and other sports.

Joan F. McDonald,
Editor, The Canadian Archer

To all who phoned or wrote, many thanks for your support of Champion. Your interest is our lifeblood. Ed.

Merci à tous ceux qui ontpris la pein de téléphoner ou d’écrire à Champion. Nous avons besoin de votre encouragement. La Rédaction.